Home Decor

Pink & Gray Floral Nursery

I never thought I would be one of those “motherly” women. I remember when my Pinterest feed started to change from outfit ideas and home décor to everything baby- I dreaded it. I felt like I was losing my identity! I don’t know what changed in the last few months though, because now I cant get enough of baby photoshoot ideas, nursery décor ideas, and cute baby outfits. As a single momma-to-be getting baby girl’s nursery together and ready was a whole process and exhausting but I am so, so proud of what I accomplished there!

You can shop the items in this nursery on LIKEtoKNOW.it if you search my name, “Haley Rae” or “She’s Everything Bagel”

** I do make a small commission if anything is purchased using my links! Its at no extra cost to you!